Messages from Diverse Sources
Friday, May 31, 2024
O Glorious Martyr of the True Catholic Belief…
Message of His Holiness Benedict XVI to Mario D'Ignazio in Brindisi, Italy on February 3, 2024

Beloved children of the Little Remnant, listen to Me. You have well understood FATIMA and have chosen to separate yourselves from the CURRENT IMPOSTURE present and operating in Rome, New Babylon. You know that I spoke of the Little Flock-True Church in the Last Times. Follow Us, meekly welcome the Manifestation of Brindisi. We here call you back to Heaven, to the NEW, to the CATHOLIC TRUTH.
The Little Remnant follow Brindisi, True Apparition.
How much I cried in the Vatican. How I suffered in hearing the Freemasons plan the destruction of the Catholic Apostolic Belief.
How I suffered to hear them hate the Latin Mass and much more.
Mary is Coredemptrix and the soul does not disintegrate after death because it is ETERNAL. Beloved children, God will punish pagan Rome, the church of darkness there operating for decades; but since 2013 more, more! I love you. I bless you. Pray to Me, Amen.
Prayer to His Holiness Benedict XVI
Holy Father Benedict XVI, bless us, protect us from the heretical church and give us Peace of Heart.
Thou who hast heard and seen the iniquitous and Freemasons operate, Thou who hast wept for the present catastrophe, Thou who were alone among the wolves: grant us the grace of consistent conversion. Purify us and make us obey God and His Mother in these days of woe and apostasy.
The Third Secret of Fatima foretold the persecution of the false church and the Papacy, beloved of Mary. Make us attentive to Heaven which speaks today more than it once did. Help us O glorious MARTYR of the True Catholic Belief, authentic successor of Peter. Amen.